Pricing and Conditions

Adult $279.00 - $529.00
Age restriction angle-down


Other charges angle-down

Camera Options $25-$300

Terms and conditions angle-down

Weight restrictions, age restrictions and mobility limits apply; customers must be able to lift their legs up, and the maximum weight limit is 118kg, but can depend on the person and the weather conditions on the day. Skydiving is a weather dependent activity, customers are required to confirm 30 minutes before their booking time. Wear closed-toe shoes and warm comfortable clothing for your skydive, and arrive 15 minutes before your booking time.

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 3319 reviews


Taupo Tandem Skydiving is New Zealand’s original drop zone, we have jumped over 300,000 people. With the widest range of camera options in NZ, renowned customer service and free pickups in our famous yellow stretch Hummer, your skydive will be unforgettable. We offer HD footage, free buffs, amazing videos and most importantly - New Zealand's best priced skydive. The adventure begins with a scenic flight above the central plateau, taking in views of the Southern Hemisphere’s largest lake and
snow-capped volcanoes. Exiting the plane at up to 16,500ft, you experience the exhilaration of freefalling at 200km per hour. Catch your breath as you enjoy a spectacular parachute ride back to earth.

Opening times

Business hours:
Sunrise - Sunset 362 days of the year. Closed only Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day.
Months of operation:
All months of the year


Taupo Airport, Taupō Town, New Zealand.

plane Proximity to airport:
We are located at the airport.
bus Proximity to coach terminal:
10 minutes drive.
decisions Proximity to town:
10 minutes to Taupo town.

Language support

Show all languages written and spoken
  Written Spoken
French YES YES
German YES YES
Hebrew YES YES
Swedish YES YES

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TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 3319 reviews

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