Pricing and Conditions

High season Low season
(Nov - Apr) (May - Oct)
Adult $45.50 $45.50
Age restriction angle-down


Other charges angle-down

Concession Rates for a group of 4 people

Terms and conditions angle-down

Suitable for 10 yrs + You need to be agile enough to step on and off the Segway with ease. Wear comfortable flat shoes. Helmets are provided. For technical reasons the Segway Personal Transporter has a weight restriction of between 45 (100lbs) – 120kgs (265lbs) These weights are more important on the tours to the Summit of the Volcanic Cones. Our primary concern is to give you a safe and enjoyable tour. Therefore the route & extent of tour participation is at the discretion of the tour guide.

Cancellation Policy angle-down

Tours are cancelled only if the weather does not permit the safe riding of the Segway.(i.e. pouring with rain) You will be called 1 hour before the commencement of the tour to discuss options. e.g. postpone until a later time or date or cancellation. Payment is only made at the time of the tour so it is not necessary to make refunds. Our primary concern is to give you a safe and enjoyable tour. Therefore the route and extent of tour participation is at the discretion of the tour guide.

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 333 reviews


The fun starts as you ride through the cones on the training ground, putting put your Segway skills to the test. In no time at all you’ll have mastered the art of riding the Segway, zipping around the grounds like a total pro. Then we’ll take you on a guided Segway ride on the Devonport waterfront, around the shoreline of the beautiful Waitemata Harbour. You’ll have amazing views of Auckland city, the Sky Tower, Maungawhau/ Mount Eden and the spectacular Auckland Harbour Bridge.

A Segway ride is one of the most enjoyable Auckland activities for families and groups of friends. This Segway hire guided ride lasts 45-minutes and is a fantastic way to bond with family and friends over a new shared experience, all while having lots of fun.

Opening times

Business hours:
Summer Tours (1 Nov -31 May) 9.30am, 12.30pm, 3.30pm 7 days. Winter Tours (1 June - 31 Oct) 10.00am, 1.30pm 7 days or by Appointment.
Months of operation:
All months of the year


Devonport Ferry Terminal, Devonport, New Zealand.

plane Proximity to airport:
We are approximately an hour's drive from Auckland International Airport.
bus Proximity to coach terminal:
Buses run from the city to Devonport daily.
decisions Proximity to town:
Devonport is a 12 minute ferry ride from downtown Auckland or a 30 minute car ride over the bridge to the North Shore taking the Takapuna/Devonport tu

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TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 333 reviews

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The content on this page was created by A Fun Family Segway Ride with Magic Broomstick Tours

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