Pricing and Conditions

Per night $300.00 - $440.00
Age restriction angle-down


Other charges angle-down

The Main tent is $300 per night min 2 nights booking(up to 2 people) the smaller tent is an add on to bookings and an extra $140 per night, total of 4 people if booking both tents. Smaller tent cannot be booked separately.

Terms and conditions angle-down

Main tent $300 per night (up to 2 people) minimum 2 nights, small tent additional charge. Terms and conditions available on request and included in booking information.

Cancellation Policy angle-down

Full cancellation policy included in booking information, cancellation or date changes 4-21 days within your booking date will result in 50% of the total cost of your stay being charged but we do try and be flexible as we understand things can happen.


Extra Mile is situated above two beaches - Waikawau Surf Beach and Little Bay which is an excellent swimming beach. Walks, fishing, swimming, surfing, or just relaxing, recharging and enjoying the stunning views. Our main tent has a king-size bed, electric blanket and comfy furniture the smaller tent is available as an add on to your booking if you need an extra bed. We have an indoor kitchen with a gas hob and under bench fridge and an undercover outside BBQ area/kitchen with another fridge. There is an excellent shower, indoor toilet and an outside bath with a fabulous views. The dining table is outside undercover between the two tents looking out to sea. Linen and towels supplied, bring your own food but some basics are there.

Opening times

Months of operation:
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec


867 Tuateawa Road, Coromandel Town, New Zealand.

decisions Proximity to town:
The closest town is Coromandel township - approx 35 min or 45 min from the tents depending on route taken; the quicker route is a steep gravel Road.

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The content on this page was created by Extra Mile Glamping

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