Pricing and Conditions

Adult $8.00 - $12.00
(16 year(s) and under)
Terms and conditions angle-down

Tours must have a minimum of 5 persons otherwise tours will be postponed. Tour groups must have no more than 25 persons in the group. Tours groups must have no more than 25 persons in the group.


Discover Waikato’s world class facility, centered around a purpose built 250m wooden with a guided tour. A great opportunity to learn about the history of the Avantidrome and find out more about the facilities and programmes we have on offer. While you are here, grab yourself a spot in the stands and watch New Zealand’s track cyclists train or perhaps rub shoulders with one of the Waikato/BOP Magic players or All Blacks Sevens team in the tunnel. If you’re lucky, you might even spot some of New Zealand’s Olympic heroes hanging around. Avantidrome Tours take place on a weekly basis. Private bookings of a minimum of 10 persons welcome outside designated tour times.

Opening times

Business hours:
Monday-Friday 6am-9pm. Saturday 9am-7pm. Sunday 9am-8pm.
Months of operation:
All months of the year


15 Hanlin Road, Cambridge, New Zealand.

plane Proximity to airport:
16km to Hamilton Airport.
decisions Proximity to town:
3.5km to Cambridge.

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The content on this page was created by Avantidrome – guided tour

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