
We are the New Zealand holiday planning experts. We specialize in customized New Zealand travel itineraries. We invite you to benefit from our years of Kiwi research and relationship building and experience.

Confused or misled by all of the places on the Internet? We can help organize an itinerary that meets your desires and budget and it costs the same or less than booking direct.

After discussing your requirements with you, we will set about planning a personalized New Zealand holiday to suit your individual needs. When you're completely satisfied with your itinerary, we will organize all the flights, rental vehicles, accommodations, and exciting holiday activities for you.


10544 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, United States of America.

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The content on this page was created by The Best of New Zealand Sailing

This website helps visitors connect with providers of great New Zealand tourism experiences. It is not intended to give any assurance that any particular provider meets certain quality standards or legal obligations. Please contact this business for more information. See also: newzealand.com terms of use(opens in new window).
