Pricing and Conditions
Adult | $30.00 - $55.00 |
Party celebrating their awesome Axe-Perience
27 Blenheim Street, Upper Hutt, New Zealand.
Sweet Axe Throwing Co is the perfect activity for your next Stag/Hens Party, Work Function, Birthday, or Social Gathering. Come on down and our Axe-Perts will get you slicing Bullseyes in no time. Once done, head on down to the bars at Brewtown.
Sweet Axe Throwing Co is the perfect activity for your next Stag/Hens Party, Work Function, Birthday, or Social Gathering. Come on down and our Axe-Perts will get you slicing Bullseyes in no time. Once done, head on down to the bars at Brewtown.
Party celebrating their awesome Axe-Perience
Adult | $30.00 - $55.00 |
Each participant will be asked to complete a Liability Waiver before engaging in Axe Throwing. Nobody is to be under the influence of Drugs or Alcohol. Must be wearing closed-toe shoes.
Deposits are required to secure your session time in order for us to staff the time slot. Any cancellations with more than 14 days notice will receive their full deposit refunded. Cancellations between 7-14 days will yield half your deposit. Cancellations within 7 days of your booking will forfeit your deposit to us so that we can still pay the staff for coming in.
At Sweet Axe Throwing Co. We offer an Axe-Perience like no other! Our Trained Axe-Perts will run you through a safety briefing, and then provide individual coaching to ensure everyone feels comfortable and competent with our Axes. Once everyone has been trained up, we can work into the real heart of the Axe-Perience; Scored games - to determine who the Axe Throwing Champion among you is. Axe Throwing is the perfect team building activity. Due to Axe-Throwing being a technique focused sport instead of strength focused, everybody is on an even playing field- no matter your background. If you can follow instructions, you'll nail it. With a range of booking options available, what are you waiting for? Come throw with us.
27 Blenheim Street, Upper Hutt, New Zealand.
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The content on this page was created by Sweet Axe Throwing Co, Brewtown
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