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Adult $2090.00 - $2089.98
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TripAdvisor rating Based on 276 reviews


The Queen Charlotte Track is one of New Zealand's best coastal walks, with stunning views over Queen Charlotte Sound and Kenepuru Sound. Hike under the gorgeous native forest canopy, soaking up the scenic outlooks. The Marlborough area has a well-deserved gourmet reputation, and quality accommodation, both of which make for a fabulous and memorable supported walking experience. The accommodation on the track are located right on the water so even when you're relaxing in the evening you feel as though you are still on the walk.  And if you love wine, why not add a day at the end of the walk to explore the wineries?

Opening times

Months of operation:
All months of the year


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TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 276 reviews

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