Pricing and Conditions

Adult $39.00 - $129.00
Cancellation Policy angle-down

Hirers must be 21 years or over and on a full driver's licence. A credit card is required to hire a Pegasus rental car.


Want to get around the Taranaki region? Here at Pegasus, we offer top-quality vehicles at incredible daily rates to get you on the road. We’ll help you experience everything the great South Taranaki has to offer - from untamed wilderness, and breathtaking scenery to a culture steeped in rich history. Save with Pegasus and choose from our wide selection of Hāwera rentals. Take advantage of our special deals, competitive rates, optional extras, and unrivalled customer service. All car hire prices include GST and standard insurance.

Opening times

Business hours:
8am – 5pm Monday to Friday
Months of operation:
All months of the year


135-137 High Street, Hāwera, Hāwera, New Zealand.

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