Pricing and Conditions

Adult $10.00
Other charges angle-down

Free entry for members of Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga. Under 18 years Free. Surcharges may apply for special events.


Where trade met religion – shipyards, timber merchants and a Mission Station jostled for position in the top end of the Hokianga Harbour.

The Māngungu Mission was established on the shores of the Hokianga in 1828, with the 1830s Mission House the only surviving part of the original waterfront settlement.

The largest signing of New Zealand’s founding document, The Treaty of Waitangi, took place at the Māngungu Mission on the 12th of February 1840. Imagine a foreshore lined with waka as hundreds of Māori and Europeans gathered at Māngungu to meet with the Crown. Inside the house, the collection includes the table on which the Treaty signing took place.

Opening times

Business hours:
Saturday, Sunday & Monday, December - 3 June. Easter: Easter Saturday - Easter Monday, 10am - 3pm. Closed Christmas Day and Good Friday
Months of operation:
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Dec


Motukiore Rd, Horeke, New Zealand.

decisions Proximity to town:
3km from Horeke

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