Pricing and Conditions

High season Low season
(Jun - Nov) (Nov - Jun)
Per night $30.00 - $300.00 $23.00 - $250.00
Other charges angle-down

Onsite Cafe(breakfast optional at extra $)

Cancellation Policy angle-down

Low season has a 3 days cancellation policy. High season has a 14 days cancellation policy. Both have a prepayment to be taken once inside the cancellation period.

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 190 reviews


A warm and welcoming lodge, with it's friendly, helpful staff and a clean and cosy environment.

LKNZ Lodge facilities include: fully equipped kitchens, laundry and drying room, central heating, dining and lounge areas, wireless internet, TV rooms, off street parking, Hot Tub, Sauna and Mountain Bike Hire.

Located on the corner of Clyde St and Rata St, 2 min walk from the bus stop.

LKNZ Shuttle Services depart daily to the Tongariro Crossing and other walks including The Ohakune Old Coach Road Mountain Bike track.
Breakfast available.

LKNZ Cafe with Hot Tubs is a great place to catch up with friends and treat yourself to our great breakfast, toasties or snacks.

Opening times

Business hours:
8:30am - 4pm but can vary.
Months of operation:
All months of the year


1 Rata Street, Ohakune, New Zealand.

bus Proximity to coach terminal:
20 meters
decisions Proximity to town:
In Town

Language support

Show all languages written and spoken
  Written Spoken
French YES YES
Spanish YES YES

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TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 190 reviews

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