Pricing and Conditions

Per night $25.00 - $92.00
Terms and conditions angle-down

Late night arrival possible with advance warning

Cancellation Policy angle-down

48 hours individuals. 2 weeks groups.

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 565 reviews


Jailhouse Accommodation is Christchurch's award-winning backpacker hostel, set in the historic former Addington Prison! We are the current author's pick for Christchurch in Lonely Planet and Rough Guide, and winner of numerous hostel awards.

You will certainly remember staying here. Our friendly wardens will check you in, take your mugshot and show you to your cell. However we are now fully equipped with modern facilities like wi-fi, made up beds, secure access, free parking, espresso coffee bar and a travel desk.

Jailhouse Accommodation is the closest hostel to the CBS Arena and AMI stadium for concerts and the Christchurch Railway Station for Tranzscenic Journeys. It's a lovely walk through to Hagley Park, Gardens and CBD Re-Start Mall

Opening times

Business hours:
Reception 8am-9pm, 7 days. Access 24 hours.
Months of operation:
All months of the year


338 Lincoln Rd, Christchurch, New Zealand.

plane Proximity to airport:
bus Proximity to coach terminal:
decisions Proximity to town:
Closest hostel to Railway Station. Heart of Addington Village

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TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 565 reviews

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