Pricing and Conditions

High season Low season
(Dec - Feb) (Feb - Dec)
Per night $42.00 - $590.00 $21.00 - $509.80
Other charges angle-down

Additional person charges may apply.

Terms and conditions angle-down

Please find our full booking terms and conditions, including cancellation policy here:

Cancellation Policy angle-down

Please find our full booking terms and conditions, including cancellation policy here:

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 132 reviews


When you stay at Hampshire Holiday Parks - Glendhu Bay, you will get to experience traditional Kiwi camping with breathtaking scenery. Just a 10-minute drive from Wanaka, there are tons of activities nearby. Glendhu Bay is the closest camp to walks such as Roy's Peak, Diamond Lake and Fern Burn and the gateway to the world heritage Mt Aspiring National Park. Bike Glendhu is located just opposite the camp and rock climbing at Hospital Flat just a short drive away. Our Glendhu Bay Holiday Park offers a large range of accommodation options from camping sites and cabins to a three-bedroom house and lodge which are perfect for large groups and families. Enjoy lakeside relaxation, water activities, and stunning alpine views when you stay with us.

Opening times

Business hours:
Winter hours 9:00-17:30, Summer hours 8:00-20:00
Months of operation:
All months of the year


1127 Wanaka-Mount Aspiring Road, Wānaka Town, New Zealand.

plane Proximity to airport:
25 minute drive from Wānaka Airport and 1 hour 20 minutes from Queenstown Airport.
decisions Proximity to town:
10 kilometres to town.

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TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 132 reviews

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