Pricing and Conditions

Adult $112.50 - $155.00
(16 year(s) and under)
$94.50 - $105.00
Age restriction angle-down


Terms and conditions angle-down

Weight restriction of not less than 80 kilos (single flights) and not more than 220 kilos combined weight (tandem and triple flights). A Child under 8 years must parasail with someone over 18 years. A child must weigh more than 20 kg's to be ab le to go parasailing with us.

Cancellation Policy angle-down

No refunds if Cancelled within 24 hrs to departure time. No penalty for cancellations due to weather.


Flying Kiwi Parasail is New Zealand's highest Parasail. No experience required as you are gently lifted from the back deck of our purpose built Parasail boat. Sit back, relax and absorb the amazing views over the beautiful Bay of Islands, Northland. We offer single, tandem and triple flights. No physical restrictions. All our skippers and crew goes through extensive Parasail specific training and are extremely fun and friendly. We have a 100% safety record and worked alongside Maritime NZ to setup safety guidelines for the Parasailing industry. Fully Maritime Operators Safety System (MOSS) qualified. We operate all year around, weather permitting.

Opening times

Business hours:
8 am to sunset
Months of operation:
All months of the year


Paihia Wharf, Paihia, New Zealand.

plane Proximity to airport:
30 minutes from the Kerikeri Airport.
decisions Proximity to town:
In Paihia town.

Language support

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  Written Spoken
Chinese (Simplified) YES NO

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