Pricing and Conditions

Adult $20.00 - $50.00


Being based in Raetihi on the Central Plateau of the North Island and at the gateway to both the Whanganui National Park and the World Heritage Tongariro National Park and 10 kilometres West of Ohakune we are ideally situated to offer visitors a first class bus and shuttle service to the many attraction of the Ruapehu District.
Hiking is a very popular activity in the National Parks and we supply shuttle services to all of the tracks in the district including the Tongariro Alpine Crossing often quoted as the best one day walk in New Zealand.
Mountain biking is also a popular activity and if this is your passion we offer transport to all the tracks in the Ruapehu District including the Ohakune Old Coach Road and Mountains to the Sea Trail.

Opening times

Months of operation:
All months of the year


25 Seddon Street, Raetihi, New Zealand.

decisions Proximity to town:
In main street

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The content on this page was created by Dempsey buses & shuttles

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