Pricing and Conditions

Per night $375.00
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It's perfectly positioned geographically for a stopover to or from Queenstown, Tekapo, West Coast and beyond. Black Billy Hut is a gorgeously rustic and charming building, beautifully crafted with native timbers and natural materials. Three rooms, each with french doors opening onto a verandah, contain a kitchen, living and bedroom space. A deluxe bathroom is undercover and set 2 metres away from the bedroom. The hut is private, remote and surrounded by nature. It's set 500 metres above sea level, on the snowline. Expansive views take in the lush native forest, farmland and Canterbury high country.

Opening times

Months of operation:
All months of the year


590 Washpen Road, Methven, New Zealand.

plane Proximity to airport:
50 minute drive from Christchurch International Airport.
decisions Proximity to town:
1 hour from Christchurch city and 20 minutes from the Mt Hutt access road.

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The content on this page was created by Canopy Camping Escapes | Washpen Falls Black Billy Hut

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