The West Coast is known for its large rivers and rugged, untouched scenery. It's an exciting place to fly fish and will keep you on your toes.

Along the western edge of the South Island lies a narrow strip of land wedged between the Tasman Sea and Southern Alps. This area, the mighty West Coast, gets more rain than any other part of New Zealand and to the delight of anglers, it's home to many large rivers. These rivers also offer something different and are just starting to become appreciated for their estuary fishing and swinging streamer patterns in the lower pools where the rivers and sea meet. Lake Brunner is located 30 minutes inland from Greymouth and is considered a trout fishing mecca.

The West Coast offers exciting and unpredictable fishing, filled with crashing waves, incoming tides, and a wonderful variety of bird life. About two dozen spring creeks can also be added to the line up of places to fish and each year they attract their own following. Lying in the middle of this sparsely populated area is the town of Hokitika, location for the legendary Wild Food Festival and home to artists and colourful characters who have chosen to settle in this ruggedly beautiful region.

Booking a guided fly fishing experience

Browse through guides in the West Coast region to book an unforgettable journey.

Fishing Licences and Regulations

Purchase your fishing licenses online from NZ Fish and Game(opens in new window) or at one of the many sporting and hunting stores in the West Coast.

Please be aware of and respect the local regulations(opens in new window), which are designed to ensure sustainable fishing

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