A night walk through Trounson Kauri Park is an unforgettable experience. The owls call 'morepork' and wild kiwi roam the forest floor.

Trounson Kauri Park is home to several threatened species, including North Island brown kiwi, kereru (native pigeon), pekapeka (bats) and kauri snails. It’s also known for a magnificent stand of kauri trees - one of the best examples in the country.

The lush vegetation is dominated by kauri, taraire, kauri grass, kiekie, ferns and epiphytes. Kereru can be seen by day and, with patience, kiwi by night. Fantails, pied tits, ruru (native owls) and many other forest birds add their music to the forest.

It takes around 40 minutes to walk the track through Trounson Kauri Park; interpretation panels and audio points make the experience highly educational. A local operator offers guided night walks – one of your best chances of seeing the nocturnal kiwi in the wild. Most New Zealanders have only ever seen a kiwi at the zoo, but Trounson Kauri Park offers one of your best chances in New Zealand to see wild kiwi. Listen for their distinctive kee-wee call drifting through the night air.

There is a small camping ground adjacent to the park – a tranquil place to park your motorhome or pitch a tent.

Trounson Kauri Park is located in western Northland, 40km north of Dargaville on Trounson Park Road.

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