Pricing and Conditions

Adult $199.00 - $459.00
Terms and conditions angle-down

Children are half price - under 4 are free Contact us for group discounts

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 83 reviews


Take to the skies on an exhilarating scenic flight to New Zealand’s only active marine volcano.

Departing from Whakatane Airport, you’ll experience out of this world views from the moment you are airborne as we fly over Moutohora (Whale Island), home to a number of New Zealand's rare and endangered plants, birds and reptiles.

Keep an eye out for dolphins and large schools of fish that are often seen on our journey.

Have your camera at the ready as we approach White Island and discover its sulphur vents, bubbling mud and acid lakes.

See the volcano breath, roar and hiss and smell the gasses that are released from the steaming vents.

A natural wonder as magnificent as White Island can only be truly appreciated from the air.

Opening times

Business hours:
7am - 8pm Summer, 8am - 5pm Winter
Months of operation:
All months of the year


216 Aerodrome Road, Whakatane Airport, Whakatāne, New Zealand.

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TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 83 reviews

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