Pricing and Conditions

Adult $125.00 - $150.00
(16 year(s) and under)
$55.00 - $75.00
Age restriction angle-down


Other charges angle-down


Terms and conditions angle-down

Must be waiting and ready at allocated pick up time, Shuttle Service will wait no longer than 10 minutes before departure.

Cancellation Policy angle-down

Must give at least 24 hours cancellation notice.


Silver Bird Shuttles Team are a family owned and operated business. 25 minutes drive from the Whirinaki Forest Tracks, 1.5 hour drive from Waikaremoana Te Urewera Rain Forest, 45 minutes from Rotorua, 60 minutes from Taupo and Whakatane, located in the North Island of New Zealand. We are a Maori family we greet you Kia ora nau mai haere mai ki Aotearoa - welcome to our home land of New Zealand. We show you manaakitanga, care for you and your requirements, welcome to our Maori culture, our history our ancestors. We will transport you to your destination, Rotorua boiling mud pools, geysers, Maori concert and hangi feast, sightseeing of Rotorua City & any other chosen desired attraction such as Hobbiton Movie Set & Waitomo Glowworm Caves.

Opening times

Business hours:
6.30am - 8.30pm Monday to Sunday
Months of operation:
All months of the year


27 Puriri Cres, Murupara, New Zealand.

plane Proximity to airport:
15 minutes drive to Rotorua Airport.
bus Proximity to coach terminal:
5 minutes drive to Coach terminal.
decisions Proximity to town:
5 minutes drive to Rotorua town centre.

Language support

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Czech NO YES

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The content on this page was created by Silver Bird Tours & Shuttles

This website helps visitors connect with providers of great New Zealand tourism experiences. It is not intended to give any assurance that any particular provider meets certain quality standards or legal obligations. Please contact this business for more information. See also: terms of use(opens in new window).
