Pricing and Conditions

Other charges angle-down

Wine tasting and historic tours at our cellar door are FREE. Mission Restaurant food and wine purchases as per menu pricing.

Terms and conditions angle-down

Wine tasting is for persons 18 years of age and over. Historic tour suitable for any age.

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Mission Estate Winery, established in 1851, is New Zealand's oldest winery and the birthplace of wine in New Zealand.
Over 160 years of passion and experience have culminated in the current collection of Estate, Vineyard Selection, Reserve, Jewelstone and Huchet award winning wines.
Housed in an elegantly restored historic seminary building with sweeping views over vines and the Napier coast beyond, Mission Estate offers visitors a year round total wine experience. Visitors to the cellar door are encouraged to taste from the extensive range of wines and the twice daily historic talk is a must.
The renowed Mission Restaurant offers intimate indoor or stunning outdoor dining with exquisite local cuisine and fantastic wines to match.

Opening times

Business hours:
Cellar Door: Monday - Saturday 9am - 5pm, Sunday 10am - 4.30pm. Restaurant open 7 days from 10am.
Months of operation:
All months of the year


198 Church Road, Taradale, Napier, New Zealand.

plane Proximity to airport:
15 minutes from Napier airport
decisions Proximity to town:
10 minutes from Napier

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