Pricing and Conditions

Adult $795.00
Age restriction angle-down


Cancellation Policy angle-down

We need a four-hour window of clear weather to operate our Heli Hike, and because the weather is so changeable we are constantly monitoring weather reports and conditions on the glacier to make the safest and most accurate decision. Please see our full terms and conditions on our website.

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 3648 reviews


Explore the Franz Josef Glacier with our word renowned Glacier Heli Hike. Including a scenic helicopter ride, jaw-dropping scenery and a two- and half-hour hike through the most spectacular glacier features, it's no wonder our guests often label their Glacier Heli Hike as the highlight of their visit to Aotearoa (New Zealand). Join our award-winning guiding team on the adventure of a lifetime. You might find yourself sliding through narrow crevasses, navigating between staggering ice towers, squeezing through ice caves or if you are lucky, all three. With exclusive access to the Franz Josef Glacier, this is the ultimate way to experience one of the world most stunning natural features.

Opening times

Business hours:
7.30am - 5pm, 7 Days.
Months of operation:
All months of the year


63 Cron Street, Franz Josef Glacier, New Zealand.

decisions Proximity to town:
1 minute from central Franz Josef.

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TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 3648 reviews

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