Pricing and Conditions

Adult $26.00
(15 year(s) and under)
Other charges angle-down

Child (5-15 years accompanied by an adult) $10; Family Special (2 adults, up to 3 children) $65; School groups: $3 per child and accompanying adult.

Terms and conditions angle-down

Child (5-15 years, accompanied by an adult) $10 Under 5 year olds - Free entry Family Special (2 adults, up to 3 children) $65 (a $17 saving).

Cancellation Policy angle-down

Cancellations more than 24 hours in advance - 100% refund Cancellations within 24 hours of tour - no refund.

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 769 reviews


The Ōtorohanga Kiwi House has been breeding kiwi since 1971. The not-for-profit wildlife and conservation centre displays kiwi birds all day in specialised moonlit nocturnal houses complete with burrow cameras. And it breeds rare native New Zealand wildlife for release to the wild.

The family-friendly NZ wildlife centre offers close up viewing of NZ's national bird, the kiwi. There are also ponds, wetland areas and walk-through aviaries including a giant dome aviary. Open daily, except Christmas Day. Informative Keeper talks at 10.30am, 1.30pm & 3.30pm (kiwi) plus 11am (native parrots: kea & kaka) 12pm (kakariki) and 2.30pm (long fin eels & blue ducks). All ticket sales are reinvested in the centre's wildlife & conservation work.

Opening times

Business hours:
Daily (except Christmas Day) from 10am - 4pm (last admission at 3.15pm).
Months of operation:
All months of the year


20 Alex Telfer Drive, Ōtorohanga, New Zealand.

plane Proximity to airport:
170km to Auckland International Airport.
bus Proximity to coach terminal:
1 km
decisions Proximity to town:
5 minutes from Otorohanga town, 15 minutes from Waitomo Caves, 2.5 hours from Auckland, 1.5 hours from Rotorua & Taupo.

Language support

Show all languages written and spoken
  Written Spoken
Chinese (Simplified) YES NO
Dutch YES NO
French YES NO
German YES NO
Italian YES NO
Japanese YES NO

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TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 769 reviews

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