

  • Fishing on Lake Taupo tributaries
  • Exceptional back country fly fishing
  • Expert in Taupo/Ruapehu areas


Best time of year

  • Apr - Sep

Pricing and Conditions

Adult $1120.00 - $2240.00
Other charges angle-down

Fishing licenses, catering & beverages.

Terms and conditions angle-down

Rates for the fishing charters is per hour and varies depending on numbers. The basic rate for 1 – 12 people is from $500.00. For 13 or more people the rate changes; From $40.00 per person per hour. Fishing licences/catering and beverages are an additional cost.

Cancellation Policy angle-down

Bookings cancelled less than 30 days out will result in a cancellation fee of 10% of booking. Cancellations of 48 hours or less will result in 100% cancellation fee of the booking.

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 1609 reviews


Lake Taupo, situated in the middle of the North Island of New Zealand, offers excellent trout fishing all year round. Most fishing takes the form of trolling either lures or flies. We use a combination of downriggers, harling and trolling on board - depending on the time of day, weather and client time restraints. All our charter boats come equipped with galley, full bar facilities, fishing gear, music systems, flush toilets, lounge style cabins and safety equipment. All catering is supplied by our in-house chef and there are a variety of menus to choose from - from canapes to three course dinners. Any trout caught can be barbequed onboard or prepared sashimi style for you to enjoy.

Opening times

Business hours:
Office open Mon - Fri. 24 hour call line for all other enquiries +64 7 378 0623. Closed Christmas Day.
Months of operation:
All months of the year


Berth 4, Taupo Boat Harbour, 65 Redoubt Street/Ferry Road, Taupō Town, New Zealand.

plane Proximity to airport:
7 minute drive from Taupo Airport.
bus Proximity to coach terminal:
Two minute drive from coach terminal.
decisions Proximity to town:
1 block from Taupo CBD.

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TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 1609 reviews

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The content on this page was created by Chris Jolly Outdoors Private Fishing Charters

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