Travel time and distance calculator

Use this distance calculator to get an approximate travel time and distance between two points in New Zealand.

Plan your journey

While this journey planner tool gives distances in New Zealand, all times are approximate and do not allow time for stops, windy roads, heavy traffic or the impact of weather conditions. Because of the variable road conditions, travel times can often take longer than you expect. 

We recommend you allow extra time to enjoy your journey safely. Take plenty of breaks to ensure you stay alert and enjoy the many spectacular views along the way. 

Check out our itineraries to get inspiration for where to stop on your road trip around New Zealand. 

Getting between islands

It is possible to drive the length of New Zealand. When travelling between the North Island and South Island, you can catch a car ferry.

Download a New Zealand map

Download and print the New Zealand Touring Map to see information on each of the regions in New Zealand and 16 themed highways.

New Zealand Touring Map [PDF 2.6MB]

Plan your trip

Travel over massive viaducts, river valleys and spectacular gorges as you ascend to Arthur’s Pass located in the centre of the Southern Alps.


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