Pricing and Conditions

Adult $30.00 - $60.00
Age restriction angle-down


Cancellation Policy angle-down

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 42 reviews


Hosted virtual reality sessions at The Cave offer you an experience like no other. Our hosts guide you through a variety of VR content, games and experiences. We have access to hundreds of new worlds to experience. Play solo or as a group.

Opening times

Business hours:
Varied, typically 10am until late
Months of operation:
All months of the year


16 Ashley Place, Papamoa, New Zealand.

plane Proximity to airport:
15 mins to Tauranga Airport
bus Proximity to coach terminal:
Right next door
decisions Proximity to town:
5 mins to Papamoa central

Looking for deals

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 42 reviews

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The content on this page was created by The Cave Papamoa

This website helps visitors connect with providers of great New Zealand tourism experiences. It is not intended to give any assurance that any particular provider meets certain quality standards or legal obligations. Please contact this business for more information. See also: terms of use(opens in new window).
