Pricing and Conditions

Per night $13.00 - $30.00
Other charges angle-down

Unpowered Sites $13 per person per night; Powered Sites $16 per person per night; Casual/Social/Sports/Club Groups $25 per person per night; Self-Contained – Cottage/TET Block $30 per person per night, minimum charge $100 per night.


Te Wera Valley Lodge, situated 37 kilometres from Stratford on the Forgotten World Highway (SH43) provides a unique opportunity to experience the beauty, serenity and peacefulness of back country Eastern Taranaki whilst at the same time providing an opportunity to “get in tune with nature” at very affordable rates.

Te Wera Valley Lodge provides a rural experience away from the hustle and bustle of life whilst providing an opportunity for educational and recreational challenges not only for schools but also for families, social groups, eco tourists, mobile homers and business’ in peaceful and tranquil surroundings.

Stay at Te Wera Valley Lodge Campground whilst exploring the Forgotten World Highway (SH43).

Opening times

Months of operation:
All months of the year


3560 Ohura Rd, Te Wera, Stratford, New Zealand.

decisions Proximity to town:
40 minutes to Stratford or 1 1/2 to Taumarunui

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