Pricing and Conditions

Adult $1320.00 - $2090.00
Age restriction angle-down



Hike all the majestic volcanic peaks of the North Island on this epic volcanic trail.

This truly unique journey encompasses 3 of the North Island's National Parks and visits the perfectly shaped volcanic cone of Mt Taranaki in Egmont National Park, the world famous Tongariro Crossing in the Tongariro National Park (and much more once you leave the tourist trail), and the prehistoric forests of Te Urewera National Park - just like they were millions of years ago.

Each of the hikes will be multi-day adventures. Reward your feet at a well deserved Polynesian Spa after all those efforts. This journey will leave you mesmerized.

Opening times

Months of operation:
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec


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The content on this page was created by 14 Day North Island Volcanic Trail

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