Pricing and Conditions

High season Low season
(Jul - Oct) (Jul - Jul)
Adult $1495.00 - $2245.00 $1495.00 - $2245.00
Age restriction angle-down


Other charges angle-down

Rental equipment, if required

Terms and conditions angle-down

Ski The Tasman is weather dependent. Please reconfirm your booking. Preferably 24 hours or more prior to your ski day. Why reconfirm? It allows us to pass on important information - like the weather forecast and snow conditions. If you cannot reconfirm and we are not able to reach you, we reserve the right to cancel your booking.

Cancellation Policy angle-down

Cancellations Due to Weather / Minimum Bookings If we cannot operate a refund of 100% is due for any pre-paid guests unable to re-book for a later date. We do reserve the right to cancel if the weather is not safe/suitable for the aircraft or skiing. It needs to be a bluebird day with light winds. You can transfer to another day if space, weather, and your plans allow.

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 17 reviews


Explore the Tasman’s blue ice grottos, natural caves, and incredible formations, then link turns down New Zealand’s two longest ski runs. Skiing the Tasman Glacier is a classic Kiwi snow adventure, guided by Alpine Guides since the 1970s. We are Mount Cook's original and most experienced mountain and ski guiding company. Nobody knows the area better than us. Ordinary skiers can ski the extraordinary Tasman Glacier. Each line is a perfect green to blue grade ski run. The pace is relaxed, with plenty of time to take photos. We use helicopters to land at 2500 metres, for a 1000 metre descent. You get 2 runs of 8 to 10 km long. It’s ideal for intermediate or first-time off-piste skiers. Small group sizes (no crowds).

Opening times

Business hours:
7am to 8 pm (7 days) during Winter.
Months of operation:
Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct


Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park 81 Bowen Drive, Aoraki / Mount Cook, New Zealand.

plane Proximity to airport:
Operate from Mt Cook Airport.
decisions Proximity to town:
5km from Aoraki Mount Cook Village.

Language support

Show all languages written and spoken
  Written Spoken
Japanese NO YES

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TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 17 reviews

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