Pricing and Conditions

Adult $169.00
(12 year(s) and under)
Age restriction angle-down


Terms and conditions angle-down

Pick-up and return transfer from Rotorua Information Centre included in bookings, please arrive 10mins before departure time: 1167 Fenton Street Rotorua. Sunset/Dusk/Night Kayaking Incredible Glow Worms Star Gazing (if clear skies) Only 15 minutes from Rotorua Perfect for all ages (5 years and over) No experience needed Tripadvisor Certificate of Excellence Award Allow at least 3 hours for the round trip leaving from and returning to Rotorua.

Cancellation Policy angle-down

No refunds within 48 hours of departure unless the Operator cancels the activity due to lake, road or weather conditions. Otherwise, refunds are granted solely at the discretion of the Agent according to the Operator's cancellation policy. Refunds may only be obtained from the Booking Agent.

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 390 reviews


Your friendly guide will pick you up and shuttle you from Rotorua as you make your way to our base on the lake shorelines. Upon arrival you will gear-up and prepare for an epic night out with a safety briefing and all activity equipment provided. You will then begin exploring the shorelines, once it’s dark you will discover your adventurous side as your guide leads you inside small hidden caves, home to galaxies of glow worms. We take ample time to enjoy the magical moments inside the caves before returning along our course in the dark. If it is a clear night the wonders continue as the incredible stars of the Southern Hemisphere come out and the cloudy appearance of the milky-way fills the sky. An unforgettable evening adventure.

Opening times

Months of operation:
All months of the year


1167 Fenton Street, Rotorua Central, New Zealand.

decisions Proximity to town:
Approximately 15 minutes drive from Rotorua.

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TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 390 reviews

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