Pricing and Conditions

High season Low season
(Oct - Apr) (May - Sep)
Per night $155.00 - $380.00 $140.00 - $190.00
Age restriction angle-down


Other charges angle-down

$30 additional person in some rooms.

Terms and conditions angle-down

Smoking: Our motel units are smoke free inside. Smokers are asked to please smoke outside away from open windows, doors and other guests, especially children. In the event of someone having smoked in the room we will engage a specialist cleaning company. We reserve the right to charge such costs and any resulting loss of income to the registered guest.

Cancellation Policy angle-down

All cancellations must be received no later than three days prior to your arrival. If you cancel within three days prior to your arrival, you will be charged 100% of the total booking amount. All cancellations received prior to three days before arrival date, will incur no charge.

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 671 reviews


We proudly offer ten luxury, self contained and serviced accommodation units. For your added convenience we offer unlimited free high-speed WIFI and Sky Guest Select with 50+ Digital TV Channels. Our units are double glazed, offering you absolute quietness, privacy. Each unit has off-street parking. Our rooms all feature king size beds, able to be split into two singles in selected units. Each room has a fully equipped kitchenette, dining facilities and well appointed bathrooms. Rooms are serviced daily.

Opening times

Business hours:
Reception is open 7.30am - 8:30pm Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm on weekends and public holiday.
Months of operation:
All months of the year


214 Rutherford Street, Nelson Central, New Zealand.

plane Proximity to airport:
10 minutes drive to Nelson Airport.
bus Proximity to coach terminal:
decisions Proximity to town:
1km, 5 minutes easy walk to central Nelson.

Language support

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Japanese YES YES

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TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 671 reviews

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