Pricing and Conditions

Adult $359.00
(14 year(s) and under)
Other charges angle-down

Private tour option available.

Terms and conditions angle-down

Fourteen years or younger half price when accompanied by two adults. Minimum of 2 Adults required for tour to proceed.

Cancellation Policy angle-down

Full refund less commissions paid up until 48 hours of tour departure. No refund if cancelled within 48 hours.

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 93 reviews


Maybe it's the climate or simply the abundance of stunning scenery but Nelson is a drawcard for a full gambit of quality artists, with more than 350 calling this region home. We take a visually delightful trail driving through the Moutere Hills, coastal bays and the quaint sea-side village of Mapua, visiting gallery spaces that showcase a number of artists work across a variety of mediums - glass art, ceramics, jewellery, painting, print making, photography, woodwork, textiles & mixed media. We also visit artists at work in their studios where guests can take the time to discuss and really understand an artist and their work. The small group size provides the flexibility that allows selecting from the large and diverse array of galleries.

Opening times

Months of operation:
All months of the year


114 Tahunanui Drive, Nelson Central, New Zealand.

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TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 93 reviews

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