Pricing and Conditions

Adult $155.00 - $295.00
Age restriction angle-down


Other charges angle-down

Return transport from Auckland CBD $50 per person

Terms and conditions angle-down

Prices quoted are generally on a per head basis. This applies particularly to large groups attending multi-event sessions. Deposits: 25% is required immediately to secure your booking. These are NON REFUNDABLE. Full payment is to be paid two weeks in advanced from the date of the booking. If the booking is made within the 14 days full payment is due immediately

Cancellation Policy angle-down

No show or cancel on the day - Loss of full payment. If there is a no show or a decrease in numbers no refunds or vouchers are given. If a booking has been paid for and for what ever reason must be postponed this can be done within the month but can be done only once or loss of full payment. Attention: All riders and activity participants will be required to sign an indemnity document.

TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 85 reviews


4 Track Adventures is New Zealand's original 4 wheel motorbike safari tour!
Come ride with us for some real adventure. No previous experience is required, just a will to take on something different, challenging, and above all fun! Full instruction and tuition is given.

Just think of the excitement! Roaming through towering forests and along vast wild West Coast surf beaches on your own quad. All bike safaris are guided so you don't get lost in Woodhill's 36,000 acres of forest.

Get the city out of your system! Blow out the cobwebs and have a blast!

Opening times

Business hours:
Office hours 8.30 am - 5 pm, 7 days. Phone bookings until 8pm at night.
Months of operation:
All months of the year


320 Wilson Road, Auckland Central, New Zealand.

decisions Proximity to town:
60 minute scenic drive from Auckland Central

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TripAdvisor traveler rating
TripAdvisor rating Based on 85 reviews

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