Pricing and Conditions

Adult $400.00 - $800.00
Age restriction angle-down


Other charges angle-down

plus GST 15%

Terms and conditions angle-down

Pickup and drop-off at hotel or cruise ship. Suitable for visitors aged 10+ 1 - 8 visitors per private guided tour.

Cancellation Policy angle-down

In the case of cancelling from our part, no cancellation fee will be applicable. In the case of a cancellation by the guest the following cancellation fees will be charged if replacement bookings cannot be achieved: cancellation 31 – 60 days: 50%; cancellation 30 days or less: 100%.


Enjoy New Zealand’s gourmet food in half-day exclusive guided walk tours in Auckland city with 2WAYS Tours Catalan, Spanish and Chinese Guides. Have a feast with real great taste of Tamaki Makau Rau /Auckland.

The private guided food tour includes experienced knowledgeable native Spanish, Catalan and Chinese Guides. Taste of New Zealand’s local seafood, beef, cheeses, wines, beers, chocolates, ice cream, and coffee. Lunch at the award-winning restaurant run by the top kiwi chef. Guided walk (45 minutes) in Auckland CBD with interesting stories. Professional photo shooting of wonderful moments and memories.

Opening times

Business hours:
Very flexible due to time differences, 24 hours 7 days emergency contact available.
Months of operation:
All months of the year


3/43 Kitchener Road, North Shore, New Zealand.

Language support

Show all languages written and spoken
  Written Spoken
Chinese (Simplified) YES YES
Spanish YES YES

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The content on this page was created by Auckland Gourmet Exclusive Guided Half Day Tours with 2WAYS

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