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Helpful tips
Here's a few useful links to help with planning your trip to Aotearoa New Zealand.
New Zealand's popularity as an international film-making destination means movie buffs are spoiled for choice when visiting film locations.
Explore where your favourite scenes were shot, stand where the cast stood, and get fully immersed in real movie locations.
New Zealand is home to a myriad of iconic films and TV series. Its untouched landscapes, expert crews and Southern Hemisphere seasons attract TV directors from across the globe.
Discover the magic of Middle‑Earth™ and relive your favourite movie moments.
Middle‑Earth™ offers a diverse array of landscapes that will leave you mesmerised. Immerse yourself on a bespoke journey through Aotearoa New Zealand.
New Zealand's stunning scenery adds fuel to the imagination of some of the most visionary and talented film and TV directors in the world. From epic fantasy realms to gripping drama, these creative masters have elevated Aotearoa on the global stage.
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