Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $15.00 - $100.00 |
Kind (15 Jahre und jünger) |
$10.00 - $25.00 |
700 Port rd, Whangamatā, New Zealand.
Explore Whangamata by cycle, SUP or kayak. With our local knowledge and superb hire fleet, we have everything you need for your outdoor adventures around the Coromandel Peninsula, both on land and sea, including the stunning Donut Island.
Explore Whangamata by cycle, SUP or kayak. With our local knowledge and superb hire fleet, we have everything you need for your outdoor adventures around the Coromandel Peninsula, both on land and sea, including the stunning Donut Island.
Erwachsener | $15.00 - $100.00 |
Kind (15 Jahre und jünger) |
$10.00 - $25.00 |
We have a full range of bikes for hire in Whangamata - Hit the trails in the Whangamata Ridges Mountain Bike Park or cruise the streets with the family.
- Hard Tails
- Dual Suspension
- Low Step Comfort
- Kids
- Mountain Hard Tails
- Low Step over comfort
All rentals inlude a helmet | Discounts avaliable for multi day hires | Bike rack avalaible for hire
700 Port rd, Whangamatā, New Zealand.
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