Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $600.00 - $2500.00 |
Lifting Kihikihi Base
8 Allen Road, Waitomo Caves, New Zealand.
Helicopter transfers, pick ups and scenic flights of the Waitomo area.
Helicopter transfers, pick ups and scenic flights of the Waitomo area.
Lifting Kihikihi Base
Erwachsener | $600.00 - $2500.00 |
Weather and aircraft availability dependant.
Fly to and from Waitomo and land on farmland with a small walk to the caves. Shut down for a few hours. You are spoilt for choice in this stunning part of New Zealand. Explore the famous Waitomo Glowworm Caves, or you might prefer to book a tour at the Ruakuri Cave or the Aranui Cave. There is the option of the Spellbound tour or for the thrill seekers, the Legendary Black Water Rafting Co is a must do. Learn loads about the area at The Waitomo Discovery Centre, or if you’ve never been zip lining before, the Waitomo Caves Zipline Park is waiting for your visit. The options are endless, along with the beautiful café restaurant, Huhu. Depending on what you choose to explore, we can vary the times of your visit.
8 Allen Road, Waitomo Caves, New Zealand.
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