Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $2.00 - $200.00 |
366 Te Ngae Road, Rotorua Central, New Zealand.
A great place to keep the kids amused or to hang out with your friends. Timezone is all about fun and excitement - no matter what age.
A great place to keep the kids amused or to hang out with your friends. Timezone is all about fun and excitement - no matter what age.
Erwachsener | $2.00 - $200.00 |
You choose your rate to unlock the fun
Timezone uses the Powercard which replaces traditional coins and tokens with a sophisticated but simple credit system which enables you to monitor how much you are spending and allows us to give you great offers through the Powercard. Instead of carrying around pockets full of coins credit is loaded onto a Powercard. In order to play a machine simply swipe your Powercard at the coloured swiper mounted on the machine and the credit will be deducted from the card automatically. All prize tickets will also be automatically loaded onto your card and rather than having to keep all those hundreds of tickets at home you just pop your powercard into your wallet until your next visit & all unused credit and previous tickets won will still be there.
366 Te Ngae Road, Rotorua Central, New Zealand.
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