Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $25.00 |
Kind (15 Jahre und jünger) |
$12.00 |
24-30 Omarama-Twizel Avenue, SH 8, Ōmarama, New Zealand.
Come and see our live Merino sheep shearing show and find out more about NZ sheep shearing and merino farming in New Zealand.
Come and see our live Merino sheep shearing show and find out more about NZ sheep shearing and merino farming in New Zealand.
Erwachsener | $25.00 |
Kind (15 Jahre und jünger) |
$12.00 |
Family Pass (2Adults&2Children) $60
Children under 5 year old = free
48 hour cancellation policy applies
See professional sheep shearing in action. Hosted by local shearers, our show gives visitors an in-depth look at sheep farming and the wool industry in the New Zealand high country, where some of the world’s finest wool is produced.
Shows include:
• “Micron Magic” our exclusively made & locally shot movie which highlights the unique path Merino wool production takes from mountainside to fashion catwalks
• Live sheep shearing
• Bottle feeding Lambs (spring & summer) and feeding our pet sheep
• A border collie sheep dog demonstration outside
Shows run throughout the day-contact us today to find out when the next show is most convenient for you or book a show in advance for your tour group.
24-30 Omarama-Twizel Avenue, SH 8, Ōmarama, New Zealand.
Verfasst | Gesprochen | |
Chinese (Traditional) | JA | JA |
Filipino | JA | JA |
Japanese | JA | JA |
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