Preise und Bedingungen

Erwachsener $2500.00
Altersbeschränkung angle-down


Andere Kosten angle-down

Price includes shared facility accommodation at The Wharf Hub, refreshments (no alcohol) and meals, all module construction materials, tuition and deployment certificate.

Bedingungen und Konditionen angle-down

The Sea Gardening, Reef Building Workshop is ideally set over a three day period, this allows for travel times from major New Zealand centres. If you choose to stay at the Wharf Hub with its heritage atmosphere, facilities are clean but basic, facilities shared, walls thin. If you choose to stay elsewhere in Opotiki, then you can deduct $100 per person off the asking price to help pay for accommodation elsewhere. Generally the workshop offers around 16 hours of guided tuition over the 3 days.

Stornierungsbedingungen angle-down

Last minute cancellation refund is given in exceptional circumstances, or if we get a full weeks notice prior to your intended workshop dates.

Über uns

Indigenous sea gardens produced bountiful seafood for centuries by focussing on reciprocity and the common good. Opotiki has a designated 'Community Reef' area in which marine enhancing materials may be deployed to grow more fish and a greater diversity of fish that all can catch for free. In the Sea Gardening Workshop you will both learn some theory introduced by exhibits found in a garden walkabout and reinforced with a more in depth powerpoint slide presentation. Then its onto making your own art personalised concrete based module that will be later added to the Community Reef. (Giving back) Over the three days you will also undertake awareness raising exercises from a range available listed on our web site under 'Voyages'.


Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov


1 High Street, Ōpōtiki, New Zealand.

plane Nähe zum Flughafen:
Opotiki has a helipad and grass airport runway. Nearest full airport is in Whakatane some 50 minutes drive away.
bus Nähe zum Busbahnhof
Intercity bus stop about 15 minutes walk away. Call or text on arrival for a courtesy pick up.
decisions Nähe zur Stadt:
5 minutes walk to Opotiki township.

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Die Inhalte auf dieser Seite wurden erstellt von’ Sea Gardening (aka Reef Building) land-based workshop retreats.

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