Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $99.00 - $110.00 |
Kind (16 Jahre und jünger) |
$58.50 - $65.00 |
47 Waller Street, Murchison, New Zealand.
A walk in beautiful mossy beech forest, with an extraordinary ending. Flames continually dancing on forest floor, surrounded by mosses and ferns. They just shouldn't be there.
A walk in beautiful mossy beech forest, with an extraordinary ending. Flames continually dancing on forest floor, surrounded by mosses and ferns. They just shouldn't be there.
Erwachsener | $99.00 - $110.00 |
Kind (16 Jahre und jünger) |
$58.50 - $65.00 |
Discounts available for groups of four or more people, and for NZ Motor Home Association members.
Drive up beautiful valley in our 4WD. Pass old oil wells and discover the area's mining history. Cross a working farm; a chance to see a New Zealand sheep and deer farm from the inside. Walk through rich beech bush with ancient mosses and native birds and learn about pest management. Stumble across the constantly burning flames fuelled by natural gas seeping from underground reservoir. Have tea & pancakes (with local honey) cooked over these enchanted flames. "They just should not be there". The walk is one hour each way. The track is mostly level but fairly rough and unformed. Sturdy shoes and moderate fitness recommended. Exclusive access; small groups.
47 Waller Street, Murchison, New Zealand.
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