Preise und Bedingungen

Erwachsener $165.00 - $175.00
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For detailed Terms and Conditions, please visit

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No Cancellation fee will apply if the booking is cancelled 72 hours before the travel time.

Über uns

After pick up from city hotels in Auckland in the morning, we travel through the Waikato and King Country regions, passing by beautiful farmland & Picturesque countryside. Our local driver guide will entertain you with interesting story of Waikato and point out the highlights along the way such as Rangiriri, where in 1863, the final battle was fought between British forces and Mauri king.

On arrival in the small town of Waitomo, experience a 45-minute guided tour through the world famous Waitomo Glowworm Caves.
After the tour Journey to Rotorua continues, passing through the beautiful Fitzgerald Glade, where trees arch over the road form a tunnel of natural greenery. The tour concludes with complimentary hotel drop off in Rotorua.


8 AM - 5 PM
All months of the year


5 Mcmeekan Avenue, Hamilton, New Zealand.

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