Preise und Bedingungen

Erwachsener $70.00
(16 Jahre und jünger)
Altersbeschränkung angle-down


Andere Kosten angle-down

Family rate available $170

Bedingungen und Konditionen angle-down

Tours weather dependent. Call early evening for details.

Über uns

Stargazing tours offered for casual visitors and house guests last about 1 1/2 hours and provide and excellent introduction to our beautiful southern night sky from our dark sky site.

Visitors start on our viewing deck and first learn to identify several constellations and bright stars using the bright green laser pointer. They then move into the rotating dome with the research grade 14" Celestron CGE Pro telescope to view, planets, stars, nebulae, galaxies and the moon in detail.

Children can operate the rotating dome and learn how stars are born and die. Hold meteorites older than the earth, examine dinosaur fossils and mineral specimens. Hear Morepork owls and maybe Kiwis calling. Special daytime tours are available to view sunspots.


All clear evenings or clear daytime for solar tours
All months of the year


392 SH 25, Whitianga, New Zealand.

decisions Nähe zur Stadt:
15 minutes north of Whitianga; 40 minutes from Coromandel town.

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