Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $11995.00 |
79 Lakefront Drive, Te Anau, New Zealand.
This full day itinerary gives you a magical experience in Southern Fiordland which includes the opportunity to visit remote areas right from the valley floor to mountain tops.
This full day itinerary gives you a magical experience in Southern Fiordland which includes the opportunity to visit remote areas right from the valley floor to mountain tops.
Erwachsener | $11995.00 |
1-6 passengers
Minimum numbers do apply subject to aircraft availability.
If your cancellation is due to unforeseen circumstances and: More than 48 hours notice is given, no payment will be taken from your card. Less than 48 hours notice is given, a 50% payment will be taken from your card. If no notice is given and you do not show up for your flight, 100% payment will be taken from your card.
Departing our lakefront helipad you fly over Mt Titiroa heading for Teal Bay where you will meet up with Roffy and transfer to the jet boat for an adrenaline pumping jet boat ride down the untamed Wairaurahiri River. Lake Hauroko is the deepest lake in New Zealand and flows into the Wairauhiri River which falls 200m to sea level and has 27km of grade 3 rapids. On arrival at the remote Waitutu Lodge you will enjoy a fabulous bush style BBQ lunch including locally sourced venison. Once lunch is complete the helicopter departs for Te Anau with two further landings enroute. The first is at historic Percy Burn Viaduct and the second landing will be made at Okaka Lodge high up on the Humpridge Track.
79 Lakefront Drive, Te Anau, New Zealand.
Die Inhalte auf dieser Seite wurden erstellt von’ Explore Fiordland Package - Heli Jet Southern Fiordland
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