Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $30.00 - $150.00 |
Kind (16 Jahre und jünger) |
$30.00 - $150.00 |
2127 Cardrona Valley Road, Cardrona, New Zealand.
Located between Queenstown and Wanaka, Snow Farm NZ comes to life during winter as New Zealand’s only cross-country ski-field as well as snow play area, and a biking and hiking wonderland during the summer.
Located between Queenstown and Wanaka, Snow Farm NZ comes to life during winter as New Zealand’s only cross-country ski-field as well as snow play area, and a biking and hiking wonderland during the summer.
Erwachsener | $30.00 - $150.00 |
Kind (16 Jahre und jünger) |
$30.00 - $150.00 |
Snow Farm NZ has cross-country ski trails for all levels, cross-country ski lessons, snowshoeing, dog walking, snow play, on-site cafe (during winter) and our popular year-round family friendly huts. Never seen the snow before? Our Snow Fun Zone is the perfect introduction, with a tubing hill, and an area for making snow sculptures and snowball fights. Our 4 alpine huts sleep between 6-36 people and are equipped with gas cookers, kitchen utensils, fire place and everything you need for a unique overnight get-away.
2127 Cardrona Valley Road, Cardrona, New Zealand.
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