Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $429.00 |
2 Swallow Drive, Pukaki, Twizel, New Zealand.
Experience the thrill of freefall for up to 45 seconds, from our most popular skydive. Enjoy a scenic 10-minute to 13,000 ft. above Aoraki/Mount Cook. Our experienced tandem masters ensure your safety and enjoyment throughout the experience.
Experience the thrill of freefall for up to 45 seconds, from our most popular skydive. Enjoy a scenic 10-minute to 13,000 ft. above Aoraki/Mount Cook. Our experienced tandem masters ensure your safety and enjoyment throughout the experience.
Erwachsener | $429.00 |
Experience the Ultimate Skydiving Adventure on our most popular Skydive Mount Cook. Soar above the majestic Aoraki/Mount Cook on an unforgettable 13,000ft tandem skydive. Enjoy a 10-minute scenic flight, followed by a heart-pounding 45-second freefall. Glide peacefully on a parachute for 3-5 minutes, taking in the breathtaking views. Your safety is our top priority. Our experienced tandem masters will guide you every step of the way, ensuring a thrilling and unforgettable experience.
2 Swallow Drive, Pukaki, Twizel, New Zealand.
Verfasst | Gesprochen | |
Chinese (Simplified) | JA | JA |
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