Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $20.00 - $42.00 |
Kind (13 Jahre und jünger) |
$15.00 - $25.00 |
324 State Highway 1, Warkworth, New Zealand.
Our interactive farm park north of Auckland features exciting Sheep-Shearing shows and up close Hand-feeding animals sessions with our farmers or at your own pace. Enjoy our Eco-trail, on-site Cafe, Gift store and playground facilities.
Our interactive farm park north of Auckland features exciting Sheep-Shearing shows and up close Hand-feeding animals sessions with our farmers or at your own pace. Enjoy our Eco-trail, on-site Cafe, Gift store and playground facilities.
Erwachsener | $20.00 - $42.00 |
Kind (13 Jahre und jünger) |
$15.00 - $25.00 |
Free entry for children 3yrs and under.
Sheepworld was formed with the purpose of giving visitors a practical hands-on New Zealand farming experience. Be entertained and educated with our 45 minute Sheep-Shearing Show, watching a live sheep round up and live shearing demonstration. Visitors of all ages get the opportunity to pat, feed, and truly encounter farm life first-hand. Our farm is home to many very friendly animals, and we are committed to giving them the best care. Sheepworld is easy to locate at 324 State Highway One, just off the motorway, with plenty of parking available.
324 State Highway 1, Warkworth, New Zealand.
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