Preise und Bedingungen
pro Nacht | $50.00 - $245.00 |
1043 Tairua Whitianga Road, Whenuakite, New Zealand.
The Seabreeze Holiday Park offers a peaceful retreat where comfort coalesces with nature in perfect harmony. Join us at Seabreeze Holiday Park, where you’re not just staying at a holiday park, you’re becoming part of our Family.
The Seabreeze Holiday Park offers a peaceful retreat where comfort coalesces with nature in perfect harmony. Join us at Seabreeze Holiday Park, where you’re not just staying at a holiday park, you’re becoming part of our Family.
pro Nacht | $50.00 - $245.00 |
30% deposit is required to confirm your booking. Deposits are non-refundable. If cancelled within 14 days prior to arrival, the full amount will be charged and this is non refundable. However it is free to change your booking dates as long as date range is picked at time of cancellation. Where a credit card number has been stored in place of a deposit the cancellation policy still applies, and the card will be charged accordingly.
Seabreeze Holiday Park offers a tranquil and spacious haven that is your prime gateway to all the eastern Coromandel attractions. our location is unbeatable, a mere stone’s throw away from the world-famous Hot Water Beach—just 8 kilometres down the road (and we’ll happily lend you a spade for free). There’s so many attractions and local destinations just a short drive away, from the pristine waters of Cathedral Cove Marine Reserve to the coastal charm of Hahei. With a restaurant & Cafe on site with award winning beers & superb dining. Facilities include store, studio gym, BBQs, covered outdoor area, playground & volleyball. We can't wait to invite you to our slice of paradise.
1043 Tairua Whitianga Road, Whenuakite, New Zealand.
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