Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $300.00 - $1500.00 |
Waipakihi Road, Tūrangi, New Zealand.
Kaimanawa Alpine Adventures offers five incredible scenic flight packages
Kaimanawa Alpine Adventures offers five incredible scenic flight packages
Erwachsener | $300.00 - $1500.00 |
Prices vary depending on flight time and prices per person
Take a front-row seat to the North Island’s most breathtaking landscapes with our mountain scenic flights, offering unforgettable aerial journeys over the Central Plateau, Tongariro National Park, and beyond. Operating an AS350 helicopter with spacious seating and panoramic views, we offer a range of adventures, from short alpine trips to extended volcanic explorations.
Waipakihi Road, Tūrangi, New Zealand.
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