Preise und Bedingungen

Erwachsener $2725.00
Stornierungsbedingungen angle-down

91+ days prior to departure – no fee 90-60 days prior to departure – NZD$300.00 per person applies 59-30 days prior to departure – 30% of total package cost applies 29-0 days prior to departure – 100% of total package cost applies After tour commencement – no refund available.

Über uns

The walk extends through a variety of spectacular landscapes from tussock ridge lines high above the Shotover River to a hike along the sub‑alpine flanks of Ben Lomond. You will explore abandoned gold mining relics, water races, razorback ridges, beautiful beech forests, and river valleys right until the finish. The tour includes: Experienced professional guide(s), access to exclusive private property – you’ll be the only ones there, Stunning variation in scenery from beech forest to wide open tussock, rich gold mining and high country farming history. Carry only a day pack for your entire stay. All meals are included. Accommodation is in ensuite rooms and all luggage is transferred for you.


Jan, Feb, Mar, Nov, Dec


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