Preise und Bedingungen

pro Nacht $1025.00 - $1994.99
Andere Kosten angle-down

Each stay incurs a $450 charge for quality linen, towels and exit clean.

Über uns

The three level sleeping wing of the house is separated from the living and entertaining area by an infinity lap pool. An inviting glass hallway leads to the heart of the home. The large open plan kitchen/dining and living room opens on both sides. On the ocean side, the large glass doors open to a sun deck amongst the tree tops, overlooking Onetangi beach. The other side opens to a flat grassy back yard, pool deck and fenced swimming pool - fantastic for children. The kitchen has a scullery behind it, and plenty of room for catering purposes. At the far end of the house is the laundry, a cloakroom & a tranquil second living room.


24 hours
All months of the year


312C Sea View Road, Waiheke Island, New Zealand.

decisions Nähe zur Stadt:
In Onetangi Beach

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